Issues and options

Call for sites

We’re asking members of the public to make suggestions for the future use or development of land within Arlen Hill. The Call for Sites will help us identify sites for uses which support the delivery of the spatial strategy. Sites may be included in the new Local Plan as site allocation policies or land-use designations. Not all sites that are submitted will necessarily be taken forward in the new Local Plan.

What if I have already submitted a site? 

If you have already submitted a site through the following exercises, you do not need to re-submit it (unless you are proposing different uses):

  • The latest City Plan Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) in 2016
  • Arlen Hill Call for Sites (May-June 2015) 

We will ensure that all sites identified through these exercises will be considered as we prepare the new plan.

This map displays the character areas of Arlen Hill.

Please draw the shape of your proposed site in its exact location on the map below.

Interactive Map

This page shows a map of Arlen Hill and asks you to draw the shape of your proposed site in its actual location.