Have your say

Take part in consultations, surveys and conversations that interest you, and find out more about decisions we’ve made


Have your say

Current opportunities to get involved

Call for Sites

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are currently undertaking work and gathering evidence in preparation for our area's 2022 Local Development Plan. As part of this the Council are running a Call For Sites exercise, asking people to identify land or sites that will available to be developed for housing or commercial purposes. If you want to promote a site for...

Planning: Master Plan - Stage 2 Community Engagement

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. The ACT government have prepared a draft master plan for Arlen Hill to provide a new vision, planning framework, planning principles and planning strategies. This consultation focusses on three sections within our draft plan: transport, building development and green space. We encourage you to give your views and offer suggestions on how we can...

Closed consultations and engagement

Find out more about issues which are now closed

Vote for your favourite park

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

National green schemes survey: how much do you know?

We're excited to gather insights from individuals like you to understand the level of awareness and knowledge surrounding environmentally friendly initiatives. Your responses will play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of current perceptions and awareness of green schemes. Whether you're already actively involved in sustainable practices or just beginning to explore the world of eco-friendly initiatives, your input is invaluable. Let's embark on this journey together to gauge the...

Local Plan Q&A event

Join us for an informative discussion: We are hosting a special Question & Answer session dedicated to our ongoing Local Plan process. This is your opportunity to learn more about the development of our local plan and have your questions answered by council representatives. 🗣️ Get Informed, Get Involved: Whether you're curious about specific policies, concerned about potential changes, or simply want to understand the process better, we welcome you to join us for an informative and...

Feedback and outcomes

Read about how your input has impacted our decisions

We asked

We wanted to understand the level of awareness and knowledge surrounding environmentally friendly initiatives, and asked a range of questions around the subject.

You said

560 residents responded to this survey with a range of different knowledge and considerations, but on a whole resident's seem relatively well informed.

We did

We have learned the most frequent issues resident's are encountering when trying to be more environmentally friendly and are going to invest in making it easier for people to recycle. We are also going to extend the range of items we recycle, whilst encouraging local producers to use more environmentally friendly packaging.

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